Our first try was Dr.Watson but we quickly found out that it creates all dump files with the same name i.e., in case there are several crashes only the last one will have a dump file. This was unacceptable.
After googling on this for a while I found this useful article that talks about NTSD (NT Symbolic Debugger).
This debugger has several advantages:
- it creates a unique dump file for each process that crashes
- it does not need a special installation as it is included in Windows installation (in C:\WINDOWS\system32)
Here is how to install NTSD:
- make sure your C code doe not catch exceptions (so the exception is handled by Windows code)
- open "regedit"
- go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug"
- choose "Debugger"
- set: "ntsd.exe" -p %ld -e %ld -g -c ".dump /ma /u c:\app.dmp;q"
you can test the configuration by running CrashMe application.
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